Part-Time Parisian

Paris thrillers for the 21st century

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Veterans Day 1972 at Checkpoint Charlie

My most indelible memory of the holiday we Americans call Veterans Day happened 46 years ago when Jan and I passed through Checkpoint Charlie into East Berlin. We were journalists in Frankfurt at the time but had business in Berlin… Continue Reading →

The Story Behind Treasure of Saint-Lazare

For the last few months I’ve been casting about for some way to answer the question I’ve heard from a dozen or so readers of the Eddie Grant Series, “Where did the idea for Treasure of Saint-Lazare come from?” I put… Continue Reading →


The audiobook version of FINDING PEGASUS is complete and available on either Amazon or Adam Barr did an outstanding job as narrator, with a performance that brought the characters to life. I invite you to listen to the summary… Continue Reading →

Sophie’s walk across the Île de la Cité, kickoff to my novel Finding Pegasus

SOPHIE LEROUX’S WALK across the Seine is one of the important early scenes in my new novel Finding Pegasus.The scene traces her walk across the Île de la Cité, home to Notre Dame Cathedral and the Sainte-Chapelle, to the quai on… Continue Reading →

Early raves for Finding Pegasus

“In Finding Pegasus, John Pearce once again spins a captivating tale of spies, assassinations, derring-do and sex (very tastefully done!) which takes us from Miami to Paris to a remote castle in Eastern Europe. The characters are fully drawn and… Continue Reading →

Review: Artist, Soldier, Lover, Muse

When you look back over Art Hittner’s busy life it’s clear where this great and sprawling story came from. In addition to his decades-long career as a Boston lawyer, he’s been involved in both the art and baseball worlds, and… Continue Reading →

Review: The Old Bridge, a thriller by Andrew Turpin

[cn-social-icon] The genocidal Bosnian war of the nineties has faded from Western consciousness. Not many people remember the brutal days when Sarajevo had to hang a curtain so snipers could not target civilian pedestrians, although anyone who was paying attention… Continue Reading →

Review: F is for France — making sense of its ways, A to Z

[cn-social-icon] I came late to this amusing and informative book, I’m sorry to say. It’s an amazingly detailed compilation and exploration of what the French would call curiosités or choses insolites but it’s also a broad cultural overview. It’s an… Continue Reading →

Review: “If I flipped a franc, it would land on something worth swallowing”

“If I flipped a franc, it would land on something worth swallowing,” David Downie writes of his arrival in Paris in 1976. He remembers, as I do, gazing into the yawning seven-story hole where Les Halles had provided food and… Continue Reading →

The intersection of Rossini & Trump

Do you love opera? Do you love Trump? Don’t miss this parody from Trump meets the opera. Is there any doubt who will win?

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