Resource material for NPV (LWV)
Resource material for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Sarasota County legislators – encourage them to support NPV
Tallahassee: (850) 487-5023
Local office: (941) 378-6309
Representative JAMES BUCHANAN
Tallahassee: (850) 717-5074
Local office: (941) 429-4560
Websites for both houses:
Representative MARGARET GOOD
Tallahassee: (850) 717-5072
Local office: (941) 955-8077
Representative TOMMY GREGORY
Tallahassee: (850) 717-5073
Local office: (941) 708-5660
Tallahassee: (850) 717-5071
Local office: (941) 708-4968
Web sites
- Floridians for National Popular Vote, which includes the following:
- League of Women Voters of Florida
- League of Women Voters, Sarasota County
- Make Every Vote Matter
- Common Cause Florida
- Answers to common myths about the popular vote. (PDF download)
- Google search on keyword “National Popular Vote.”
- Five Common Misconceptions about the Electoral College (The Atlantic 11-29-19)
- Every Vote Equal: A State-Based Plan for Electing the President by National Popular Vote
- An informative reference work. Download the ebook free from or buy the paperback from Amazon ($4.95).
- These Truths, by Jill Lepore, Harvard professor of history and New Yorker writer
- A well-reviewed overview of the history of the United States.
- Buy any version from Amazon.
- Amazon search on keyword “National Popular Vote,” which provides a wide choice.
This list of informative information sources is hosted as a public service by the blog Part-Time Parisian, written by John Pearce of the League of Women Voters speakers bureau of Sarasota County, FL.
For questions or to report broken links, email John Pearce
If you have an interest in a League speaker, you may contact me and I will direct your message to the correct person.
updated Nov 19, 2019