CLEAR THE DECKS for the fourth and final novel. After Treasure of Saint-Lazare, Last Stop: Paris, and Finding Pegasus, The Final Heist will draw a line under Eddie and Aurélie’s years-long search for the criminals who killed his wife, young son, and father. The quest for a long-sought Raphael self-portrait has ended in failure, and now the thugs are trying to involve Eddie Grant in a plot to steal more than a billion dollars of gold bullion in order to finance a grabby oligarch’s dream of becoming dictator of a Central European country.
BETA READERS ALERT: I’ll have more to say about The Final Heist in coming weeks, but now I’m looking for a few good advance readers (beta readers in the jargon of the game—you know who you are).
Rather than use the old-fashioned but labor-intensive method of emailing manuscripts out and receiving comments back, I’m going to use a shiny new service run by Evan Gow, the founder and motivating force behind what appears to be a super-useful authors’ website called StoryOrigin.
To me the perfect beta reader is someone who reads a lot of books, many of them genre novels, and reads them attentively. I’m not looking for copy editors. I have an outstanding editor in Toronto and she’s already been through it once. What I need now is a few people who can spot plot and character problems and suggest changes. We’ll handle the commas.
If you’re a fit, you can go to this link to sign up. Readers who complete the entire process will receive my undying thanks plus a copy of the final book in either Kindle or paperback format. (The fine print is on the StoryOrigin site.)
To see this notice on my blog, go here: PartTimeParisian.com
Thank you in advance.
John Pearce
Friday, Jun 2, 2023