Part-Time Parisian

Paris thrillers for the 21st century

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ROLAND GARROS: soon to be the minor league of tennis grand slams?

Spring in Paris means the French Open tennis tournament, known to all simply as “Roland Garros.” The charming and tight-knit complex of show courts and crowd-friendly outside courts was built in 1928 the first time France defended the Davis Cup. It’s been… Continue Reading →

Baseball crime or awful judgment? A PITCH FOR JUSTICE – author interview with Harold Kasselman

HAROLD KASSELMAN’S FIRST NOVEL has been in the top 10% of Kindle paid books for a solid year — no small accomplishment. It has ranked #1 in baseball and in sports psychology, and it’s a good read. I had the… Continue Reading →

Paris for the solo traveler

PARIS IS BEST KNOWN as a welcoming destination for lovers, but for the solo traveler there are many charms as well, as Stephanie Rosenbloom, the Getaway columnist for the New York Times travel section, wrote in a recent column. She… Continue Reading →

THE RESISTANCE by Peter Steiner – wartime thriller

I reviewed The Resistance by Peter Steiner some time ago, shortly after I attended his presentation at the American Library in Paris. It’s a good book, and I hope he writes more like it (this is his latest, although he published several… Continue Reading →

SavvyBookWriters has questions about Treasure of Saint-Lazare and its tale of stolen Nazi treasure

Doris-Maria Heilman of and was nice enough to request an author interview. I thought her questions about Treasure of Saint-Lazare were pertinent and interesting, and I enjoyed answering them. I hope you’ll find them interesting. There’s been a… Continue Reading →

MY FAVORITE RECENT BOOKS – McEwan, Grossman, Kushner, Tartt, Patchett

I sat down this afternoon to answer Doris Heilman’s interview questions (which in the course of time will appear on, and it made me think more deeply about my own reading. I read for pleasure and to admire the… Continue Reading →

My interview with “Stories in the Noir”

Thanks to writer CJ Johnson for making me the first subject of her new Weekly Book Spotlight – author interviews on her blog . She asked a few pertinent questions and invited me to answer them at any length I… Continue Reading →

The Real Monuments Men

Before the George Clooney movie there was the revealing and definitive book The Monuments Men, by Robert Edsel. I thought the book was fascinating when it was published, and nothing has changed my mind since. (Recovered pictures at the Allied… Continue Reading →

Treasure of Saint-Lazare has a sparkling new trailer

NINETY SECONDS of romantic Paris photos and elegant music – is there anyone with soul so dead* they don’t respond to that? I’m pleased to introduce my new book trailer, full of atmospheric music and unforgettable images of the City… Continue Reading →

A Paris afternoon in Place Saint-Michel, complete with music

Most afternoons when we’re in Paris I take the métro to Place Saint-Michel, the crowded plaza on the Seine across from Notre-Dame cathedral. For a few days before I took this picture and video a well-used upright piano sat ready… Continue Reading →

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